May 9, 2012

WinThunder Adds Stylish Jump List In Windows 7 System Tray With Weather Updates
 WinThunder | Size: 1.25MB

If you want to view the latest weather in Windows 7, the only solution would be to load the Weather gadget. Most users do not prefer using gadgets anymore since it is considered more of a Vista thing. The other solution is to use WinThunder, the newly released app which shows the Weather on top of the jump list that it adds in the system tray. The purpose of the jump list is to add your most-used or favorite shortcuts, files, websites, applications, and folders for quick access.

If you are wondering what is the purpose of having a jump list in the system tray when one can simply pin the applications and shortcuts in the Windows 7 taskbar, the answer is that one cannot pin important documents or files in the taskbar (without going through a lot of hassle). WinThunder is more of a fun app for those user who prefer viewing the latest weather and accessing their important files from a single jump list in the system tray. The weather is displayed according to your local zip code or city and can be refreshed at any defined time interval. You get the choice to view it in Fahrenheit or Celsius.
The jump list is customizable, i.e, you can change the themes between Default, Windows Blend, and Windows Live. To get started with adding shortcuts, launch the app, click the system tray icon and select Create Shortcut. The pop-up window in which you add shortcuts will increase in size as more shortcuts, files, and websites are added, therefore, the app is not restricted by limited desktop real estate.

Create New Shortcurts

The shortcut can comprise of a file or folder, including executable. Once the shortcut file is added, click Finish. Optionally, you can choose a separate icon for the selected shortcut. In order to restore default icon, click Restore Default.

Create Favicon
The  added shortcut(s) will be inserted to the list in the order they are added. There is no minimum or maximum limit to the number of shortcuts you may add to the system tray pop-up window.

To set the weather of your area, right click on the system tray icon and select Application Settings. Head over to the Weather tab, enter your city’s zip code or name and click Search. Choose a time interval for updating the weather information, e.g. 1 Hour, 2 Minutes, 5 minutes, etc followed by a temperature format. Click OK for the changes to take effect. The apps themes can be changed from the system tray. The developer has assured of adding new themes and features and is currently seeking suggestions to further improve the app. So it is likely that we will see more dynamic themes in the near future.

After creating the first shortcut, you can add more shortcuts, as well as edit and delete existing ones via right-click context menu. Please note that WinThunder is currently in beta and therefore users may experience functionality issues. One problem worth mentioning here is that it always shows temperature in Fahrenheit, even when you select Celsius for the temperature format. During testing we found no other issues.

Create Shortcuts

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