operating system: Windows XP (SP3 - 32 bit); Windows Vista (SP2 - 32, 64 bit); Windows 7 (SP1 - 32, 64 bit)
Make: Phase One
Official site: Phase One Media Pro
Phase One Media Pro e menidzhr photo professionals, Coit rights law at the podrezhdaneto vashite pictures and video file in the forest. To the right of e da bde brz and initiative. Media Pro poddrzha over 100 different cameras, and e is ready to let rkovodi Golem library ss shots.
Photo professionals menidzhr
Intends to selectively vashite brzo shots. Priblizhava pictures and frames integer technical color, izpolzvayki Novi technology. Vvezhdayte belezhki otsenyavayte and pictures.
Starting at instalatsiya:
A. Instalirayte programata (MediaPro.exe)
Two. Copyright file (Media Pro.exe) and papkata (en) by papkata AoReTeam
Three. Otidete instalatsionnata in a folder on programata, and postavete zamestete faylovete.
Min system:
Intel ® Pentium ® 4 or better
2 GB of RAM
10 GB of free hard disk space
Microsoft ®. NET Framework version 4.0 (will be installed if not present)
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